A few years ago I made a map of mass shootings in the United States that I called Cloudy with a chance of death. You can go visit it if you like but as I suggested in the information panel “sadly, this map will likely be out of date sooner rather than later.” It was out of date almost as soon as I made it. I’ve been tempted to update it but frankly the incidence and prevalence of mass shootings in the US makes the job almost impossible, and so disheartening that I simply cannot summon the energy.
In a week that’s seen yet another senseless, needless crime here’s the Gun Violence Archive‘s map which is my map of the week.

It’s not a particularly pleasing map aesthetically but on this occasion I don’t particularly care.
Look. At. All. Those. Red. Bullet. Holes. Death everywhere.
There have been 131 mass shootings in 2023 to date. 61 children and 356 teens have been killed and many more injured. And that’s not counting adults who are the ones charged with making decisions on gun control (or lack thereof).
Sadly, this map will likely be out of date sooner rather than later.